Saturday, June 09, 2007

Little Kid Soccer - E's First Game

Little kid soccer was totally fun to watch. Seriously, it was a miracle if all the kids stayed on the field and even followed the ball at all . . . E made a new friend on her team and they spent a lot of time holding hands and giggling. They even had to be in goal together. It was hilarious! I think our team lost their first game, but I have no idea really because it was just too funny and I laughed most of the time. It was super early in the morning to be up and at the park -- since the game was at 8 am -- M is the coach, we had to be there for 7:45 -- which meant leaving home at 7:20 am on a Saturday *cries* It was worth it though to watch this action! E is in the pink shorts and I even managed to catch one picture where she was actually trying to kick the ball. *giggles*

1 comment:

Your Mama said...

I love to see the joy on E's face... hehehehe.... she seems very competitive... like someone else we both know and love...